készíti: Gellért Ádám
email/elérhetőség: gadam107@yahoo.com

“The only necessary for "evil" to triumph is for a few good men to do nothing”

2009. július 30., csütörtök

Öntött Ólom hadművelet - izraeli (előzetes) álláspont

Tegnap óta letölthető az izraeli külügyminisztérium honlapjáról az Öntött Ólom hadműveletről szóló 159 oldalas “The Operation in Gaza - Factual and Legal Aspects” című izraeli kormányzati elemzés. Ajánlott olvasmány, főleg a 117-155 oldal között részek! Figyelmeztetés:

“Until these investigations are complete, and in order to preserve the integrity and independence of the investigations currently underway in Israel, it would be premature to reach any final conclusions regarding specific complaints, either as to general IDF practice during the recent conflict or as to specific incidents and allegations. Nonetheless, given extensive public discussion about these issues and the frequency with which conclusions have preceded rather than followed the evidence, this Paper sets forth below (in Sections V.D(2) and V.D(3) some initial information regarding a number of complaints. This information may be released at this stage based on what is known from the investigations thus far, and without compromising the integrity and independence of the investigations which are in progress. It is possible that different findings will emerge as the investigations continue. Even so, even at this early stage these preliminary investigations have identified important facts that have not yet received significant public attention, but that are essential for any rigorous analysis of the Gaza Operation.

The international community and national fora must respect and support national investigations currently in progress in Israel. To the extent that external organisations have gathered information related to the Gaza Operation, in the interest of justice, they should provide the information and any evidence on which it is based to Israel to facilitate those investigations. This is the essence of the principle of complementarity. (para. 314)

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