készíti: Gellért Ádám
email/elérhetőség: gadam107@yahoo.com

“The only necessary for "evil" to triumph is for a few good men to do nothing”

2013. március 17., vasárnap

A CIA fekete lyukai - emberrablás és kínzás a strasbourgi bírák előtt

Az Európai Emberi Jogok Bíróságának Nagytanácsa hatvanezer eurós kártérítést ítélt meg még 2012 decemberében annak a férfinak, akit a macedón állam illegálisan szolgáltatott ki az Egyesült Államoknak. Az El-Masri v. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ítélet tényállását olvasva egy hollywoodi film forgatókönyve elevenedik meg előttünk. Akit kicsit jobban érdekel a téma, kezdje ezzel a könyvvel.

Ami a az EJEB igazságkereső funkcióját illeti, arról négy bíró közös párhuzamos indokolásban fejtette ki a véleményét:

„The scale and seriousness of the human rights violations at issue, committed in the context of the secret detentions and renditions system, together with the widespread impunity observed in multiple jurisdictions in respect of such practices, give real substance to the right to an effective remedy enshrined in Article 13, which includes a right of access to relevant information about alleged violations, both for the persons concerned and for the general public.

The right to the truth is not a novel concept in our case-law, and nor is it a new right. Indeed, it is broadly implicit in other provisions of the Convention, in particular the procedural aspect of Articles 2 and 3, which guarantee the right to an investigation involving the applicant and subject to public scrutiny.

In practice, the search for the truth is the objective purpose of the obligation to carry out an investigation and the raison d’être of the related quality requirements (transparency, diligence, independence, access, disclosure of results and scrutiny). For society in general, the desire to ascertain the truth plays a part in strengthening confidence in public institutions and hence the rule of law. For those concerned – the victims’ families and close friends – establishing the true facts and securing an acknowledgment of serious breaches of human rights and humanitarian law constitute forms of redress that are just as important as compensation, and sometimes even more so. Ultimately, the wall of silence and the cloak of secrecy prevent these people from making any sense of what they have experienced and are the greatest obstacles to their recovery”.

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